When it comes to outdoor gear, finding a shoe that balances comfort, style, and performance can feel like an impossible challenge. The Maipo is a water, hike and lifestyle shoe that supports your feet through everything and is purpose built to keep you comfortable and mobile.
When choosing a Merrell shoe, it is important to get an understanding of the technology that goes into crafting the premium comfort that takes you from step one to the top of your mountain, that's why the Maipo features a midsole that absorbs shock and offers responsive cushioning, providing a smooth, supportive feel underfoot. The lightweight design ensures you can keep moving without feeling weighed down, giving you the freedom to go further and explore more. However, comfort goes beyond just cushioning, it’s also about keeping your feet cool and dry, no matter the conditions. The Maipo is designed with a breathable mesh upper that helps regulate temperature and moisture. Even in the harshest conditions, your feet will stay fresh and comfortable, letting you focus on the adventure.
This shoe effortlessly transitions from outdoor adventures to everyday life making sure you feel confident and stylish in its modern, sleek silhouette. It’s the perfect balance of form and function, allowing you to look great without sacrificing comfort or practicality. designed to offer top-notch performance while being mindful of the environment.
Sustainability is at the forefront with 100% recycled laces, eye stay webbing, elastic heel pull-tab webbing, elastic lace keeper, and a breathable mesh lining, all made from recycled materials. These eco-friendly details don’t just reduce waste, they ensure the Maipo is as practical as it is responsible the foam midsole offers stability and comfort for all-day wear, while the sticky rubber outsole delivers durable traction, gripping surfaces where you need it most.
There’s nothing worse than stepping into a river and feeling your shoes turn into heavy, waterlogged bricks. That’s why we made the Maipo light and airy to dry in no time.
Slick rocks become a breeze to navigate, and you’ll never have to think twice about taking the scenic route through the waves. It’s the kind of shoe that makes adventure feel effortless, no matter where the day leads.
Maipo is more than just a lifestyle or hiking shoe alone; it’s a companion for all the big wins and little things. It’s about feeling supported, comfortable, and ready for whatever the day holds. Forged From thoughtful design, the Maipo is here to help you embrace life’s journeys, wherever they may lead. Take That first step. You’ll be ready for whatever comes next.
The Maipo Sieve, on the other hand, leans into water performance. With its open, airy design and drainage-friendly construction, it excels in river crossings, kayaking, and other aquatic activities. The quick-drying materials and sticky rubber outsole make it a top choice for navigating slick, wet surfaces with confidence. If your adventures take you deep into the water, the Sieve is your go-to.